Coming to a class

What you need

The basic equipment students use are:

  • 1 mat
  • 4 blocks (optional)
  • 2 bricks
  • 2 belts
  • 1 bolster (optional)
  • A device with Zoom installed and camera and microphone capabilities (online classes only)

When working from home you are welcome to improvise with items from your home. Such as using cushions, books instead of bricks, furniture etc. As long as you use your common sense!

There is equipment for you to borrow at the Gilliat Hall. I also bring equipment to halls, but this is limited.

Other information

If you have not attended a class before contact me before you turn up. In addition, please arrive 10 minuets before the your first class.

If you have health a issue please let me know before the class. Before your first lesson you will be required to to fill out a health form. This can be downloaded from the bottom of the page or I will have a form with me.

You may need to do different asanas (poses) for various health conditions. This is also the case if you are menstruating. If you are pregnant please let me know immediately!

If you are cancelling please let me know before the lesson starts, either call/text or email.

Yoga should be practiced on an empty stomach.  Please do not drink water during the class, unless you have a specific health condition.

Wear loose clothing and we are in bare feet.